Monitoring of Swedish Wetlands
Objective: Thriving Wetlands
One of the objectives that the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), and on a regional level the County Administrations, have the responsibility for is "Thriving Wetlands", for which it is stated: "The ecological and water-conserving function of wetlands in the landscape must be maintained and valuable wetlands preserved for the future."
A satellite-data based method for monitoring of Swedish wetlands
In order to fulfil the national and regional environmental goals the SEPA and the County Administrations need cost-effective methods that can produce comparable results at recurrent occasions.
Together with our partners we have developed a satellite-data based method for monitoring of Swedish wetlands suited for both regional and national levels. Since 2007 monitoring of the Swedish wetlands using satellite data is performed operationally within the national environmental monitoring program.
An open mire. Photo: Jonas Salmonsson, County Administrative Board of Västernorrland.
- Duration: 2007 -
- The monitoring is funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
- Website: http://www.myrar.se
- External link: Naturvårdsverket - Satellitbaserad kartering av vegetationstyper inom öppen våtmark - Resultat och exempel från den första nationella karteringen »
- External link: Naturvårdsverket - Satellitbaserad övervakning av våtmarker - Nationell slutrapport första omdrevet »
- Contact: Kjell Wester, kjell.wester@brockmann-geomatics.se